Submit Your Referrals
Changing Lives S&P, Inc. is here to lend a helping hand to your friends and relatives. If you know any kids who are troubled, lost, neglected, and abused, don’t hesitate to send them as your referrals for us right away. Same goes for parents who are having trouble managing their children, never think twice about recommending them to our services as soon as possible.
Let us not waste time extending a hand to our younger generation. With us, it will never be too late.
Please fill out our online referral form below.
Note for referrals:
- The program will not accept private placements. Each referral will be reviewed for appropriateness. Agency will not accept youths who have a history of more than four (4) physically aggressive incidents towards staff and peers, extreme property destruction within the last thirty (30) days.
- Agency will not accept youths who have used heavier drugs that have caused severe withdrawal symptoms within the last seventy-two (72) hours, such as cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamines. Agency will not accept medically fragile youths; such as youths who utilize feeding tubes, breathing machines, as well as those who are unable to feed or clothe themselves. Each referral will be reviewed on a case to case basis and assessed for appropriateness of placement.
- The program will receive referrals from the Department of Family and Children Services and the Department of Juvenile Justice.
- The program will serve males only
For inquiries, you’re more than welcome to call us at
706-221-7516 or send a message to